Signed in as:
Astrea Legal Advice is committed to providing quality service. We work in an open and accountable way that builds trust and respect.
We treat our complaints as a clear expression of dissatisfaction with our service which calls for immediate response. It is also one of the ways in which we can continue to improve our service: by listening and responding positively and by putting mistakes right.
If you are paying for our services, you have rights under the Consumer Rights Act 2015. This Complaints Procedure is intended to ensure that all complaints are treated fairly, consistently and wherever possible, resolved to the complainant’s satisfaction.
We set out below our Complaints Procedure:
1. If you have any compliant, please contact us with the details to: We will then record your complaint.
2. We will send you a letter of acknowledgment within seven (7) working days. At this stage, we will also ask you to confirm the details or explain your complaint and will let you know the person who will be dealing with your complaint.
3. If you reply to our letter, we will respond to you within five (5) working days.
4. Your complaint will then be investigated. This make take up to five (5) working days.
5. You will then be invited to meet the person handling your complaint with view to resolving the matter. This will take place within five (5) working days of completing the investigation.
6. If the meeting results in your complaints being resolved, you will be sent the terms of agreement reached.
7. You must let us know if you do not wish to attend the meeting. If you do, we will send you a response which include other alternatives in resolving the matter.
8. If after step 6 or 7 you are not satisfied, you may then consider:
a. Take an independent legal advice (you are free to do this at any time)
b. Refer the matter to a mediation or other alternative dispute resolution
*When we use “working days”, it means Monday to Friday, excluding bank holidays